Irth Land: Release Notes (version 24.10)

Posted 5 months ago by Swapna Thumati

Swapna Thumati Admin

Here are few of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes included in 24.10 release scheduled for production release on 10/09/2024. 

Attached please find all the release notes. Please refer to the manuals for detailed information.

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Support both SSO and Forms authentication for same install

In previous versions of the product, all users on a client were required to log in either through SSO or by using a username and password. In this release, we have introduced a new configuration option that allows for flexibility: some users can log in via SSO, while others can use a username and password. This feature is particularly useful for clients with both internal users (using SSO) and external users (logging in with credentials).

Parcel data import from parcel aggregators like USLandGrid supporting multiple buffers

Irth has collaborated with USLandGrid to provide parcel data as an add-on for Irth Land customers. Our platform already supports consuming parcel data as a service and displaying it in the GISViewer application. With the latest release, Irth Land now offers the capability to import parcel data into projects, along with the option to configure multiple buffers.

User(s) can define the line/area of interest, choose buffers for online, adjacent and offline parcels, and choose to create parcels with geometry and attribute as tabular data in Irth Land application.

Reporting API support calls to stored procedures

  A new method call is added to the client Reporting API where users can execute reporting stored procedures to retrieve data for reporting purposes. A new report '04 - Available Reporting Stored      Procedures' gives the list of reporting Stored procedures available for client use.


Improved hashing for password security management

We have enhanced the security of user account passwords by updating the password hashing method. When users log in for the first time and update their passwords, the new hash method will be applied. Additionally, the password reset process on the "Reset Password" page, as well as the "Forgot Password" functionality, have been updated to utilize the new hash as well.

(ALT and ROW) Import/export extended to include custom fields for parcel and agreement information.

The import functionality has been improved to support custom fields within the parcel and agreement information panels. Active custom fields configured on the parcel information panel will now appear in the parcel/land data import sheet downloaded from the ALT and ROW applications. During import, mappings will dynamically load and populate the corresponding fields. For exporting custom field data, users can leverage the (C017) Project Data Export report.

(ALT) Enhanced user experience while calculating payments

Incorrect tags in formulas will display in red. This visual indicator helps users quickly identify and address any issues with tags used in the formulas

When typing in the tag names, type ahead prompt will provide suggestions with available tag names.

Test Calculation option has been extended to test calculations over the entire agreement term rather than one payment.

Any payments dependent and missing a CPI value will be pulled into Payment Manager and display message.


(ROW) Reminder Message Delivery Issue Resolved for Permit Agents

we have resolved the issue where the reminder message for the assigned tract was not being delivered to the permit agent. The permit agent should now receive a reminder message on the My Dashboard page, along with an email notification as per the # of days before expiration date specified for the permit

(ALT) Fixed Consolidated Project Data Import Issues

Issue where specific fields were not being populated during the consolidated project data import has been resolved. Upon review, it was found that the 'Suffix' and 'Address Line 3' fields were not being imported for the 30. Parcel Contact, and the Payment Share field value was not imported for the 80. Agreement Contacts.

Global Saved Searches

we have addressed the issue of inconsistencies with newly created and deleted global searches. Previously, a newly created global search would appear for both User A and User B, but if User A deleted the search, it would still be visible to User B. Now, if the creator deletes a global search, it will no longer be visible to any other users.

Existing permission "Can Use Global Search," controls the visibility of the delete button on the search page. When this permission is enabled, the delete button will be displayed; if it is disabled, the delete button will not appear.

Customer Outreach: Ticket Info Dropdown Issue

The issue where the ticket information panel fields dropdown failed to display the correct data has been resolved. The dropdown will now accurately show all relevant information as expected.

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