Introduction of new Integrity Compliance conditions for Gas Mega Rule, and other conditions based on customer requests.
Calculation of MAT-8 Failure Pressure in Integrity Compliance when MAT-8 Attribute data is supplied for certain flaws.
Addition of new fields to identify clusters in Integrity Compliance screens.
Added a new pressure calculation “B31G Modified Rectangular”, available in the pressure calculation tab for the Assign Action table, and new conditions in Integrity Compliance based on this new pressure calculation.
Inclusion of a new "Customer Assessment ID" field in Assessment Planning to display customer-specific IDs.
The Dig Note field is now populated for data loaded from the Analysis Results template.
Change from soft-delete to hard-delete for Assessment deletion.
Added Magnetic Particle field to Threat Monitoring & Repair template.
Added "ILI Crack Depth (%)" to Repair Template export.
Improved performance in Integrity Compliance analysis, for example when using the Interacting Threats condition.
Improved performance of Integrity Compliance Assign Action screen when loading data for large analyses.
Improved reporting of "Growth Rate Source" in cases where the growth rate was negative or zero.
Improved handling of how features get associated to joints / pipe lengths when they have equal odometer values.
Improved behavior of System Name filter drop-downs and "type to search" functionality.
Updated "Anomaly Type" label to "Vendor Anomaly Type" to be consistent with other parts of the application e.g. Threat Monitoring.
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with counts in the Feature Counts report to represent data correctly.
Fixed data validation issues in the Repair Template on the Actual Anomaly Description field.
Fixed an issue where Transmittal Date would be copied into a new analysis when using "Copy Analysis".
Fixed an issue where valves and other entries could be reported in duplicate in the GIS / ILI Alignment report.
Fixed an issue to prevent loading duplicate/ambiguous Segment Feature data.
Fixed an issue to support successful download from the Dig Package Export feature.
Fixed an issue where attempting to load User Management as a read-only user would result in a redirect loop.
Fixed an issue where orientation values in "O'clock" format could shift by 1 minute due to rounding / precision.
Fixed an issue for Segment Features "Type" column to correctly sort.
Fixed an issue preventing the Justification comment from being updated from the Analysis Results template.
Improved / added validation to the MAT-8 Attribute Template.
Improved the Analysis Results template validation messaging.
Bug Fixes
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