Admin Analytics Enhancement: Reporting on Group Permissions

Posted 3 months ago by Jordan Marciniak

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Jordan Marciniak
Jordan Marciniak Admin

With the upcoming web redesign, one helpful function to make admin lives easier would be to have the option to export/report on the different permissions associated with each User Group. 

Currently, when a new permission is designed/released by the Irth team, an admin cannot see which groups would be impacted by a new permission. The same goes for when an admin needs to make changes to a group, or multiple groups, and update permissions available. Admins need to click into each Group in order to update permissions. 

If company Administrators (group) were able to mass edit group permissions, and more easily able to see which groups have access to which permissions, it would enhance the administrative experience and allow for easier maintenance of the system.

Stretch Goal: allow for being able to copy a group with permissions, reg codes, filters, screens, etc., to allow for easier modifications for different groups across different footprints or facility types across an organization.

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