When combining excavators, we will sometimes see a Municipality or organization submit tickets with the excavator name being the person calling in the ticket, but the phone number being identical and tied to the city.
Current: When going to merge these excavators, we are only able to merge into one person's name, and we cannot update the name of the Excavator to be the Municipality or organization.
Example: City of Merced in Sales Demo
Jess Santillan is the first Excavator for the City of Merced
Five colleagues are able to be merged into "Jess Santillan"
We cannot change the name of the Excavator from Jess Santillan on this screen.
We must move to the "Excavators" section in the Admin Cogwheel.
Then within the "Jess Santillan" excavator, we must edit the Excavator Name.
Proposed Solution:
When combining Excavators on the Aliasing screen, allow option in a pop-up or confirmation box to update the master excavator's name, email, phone, and contact, should those need to be updated as well from the other Aliases.
When combining excavators, we will sometimes see a Municipality or organization submit tickets with the excavator name being the person calling in the ticket, but the phone number being identical and tied to the city.
Current: When going to merge these excavators, we are only able to merge into one person's name, and we cannot update the name of the Excavator to be the Municipality or organization.
Example: City of Merced in Sales Demo
Proposed Solution:
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