Irth Mobile App Release Notes 2024.2 and 3

Posted 4 months ago by Chris Dawson Shared w KW - KT

Chris Dawson Shared w KW - KT Admin


These are the new features in the 2024 2 and 3 releases. To submit your ideas and vote on others, visit our Irth Mobile App Feedback Forum.

2024 Release 2 and 3

Select Multiple Tasks and Take Batch Actions

You can now require select more than one task at a time and then perform these task actions in batches.

  • Add Notes
  • Change assignees
  • Change folders
  • Respond

Create and Modify Work Items

You can now create work items (including creation from a task) and modify them.

Single Sign On (SSO)

You can now use your company’s single sign on (SSO) system and login credentials with the Irth Mobile App.

Filter by All, Tickets, or Work Items

On  the Tasks screen, you can now filter by tickets, work items, or all  (both tickets and work items). Tickets and work items each have  additional, unique filter options.


Work Items

Tickets (ticket type)

Tickets (status)

2024 Release 3

Add, Move, Remove, Steps From a Route

You  can now add and remove stops in a route. You can also move stops (press  and hold, then move the stop to change the order of stops in a route.

Combine Tickets

You  can now combine tickets, if your instance of Utilisphere has been set  up by Irth with the combine tickets feature (Contact your company  administrator if you do not have this feature). These are the options  for combining tickets Irth can configure for you:

  • Do not combine any tickets on my Ticket Summary Screen
  • Combine tickets with the same ticket number on my Ticket Summary Screen
    • Include all tickets that were combined when performing an action on selected tickets
  • Combine tickets with the same ticket number and registration code

Once configured, combined tickets are displayed in the mobile app as grouped tasks:





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