DigTix Launch and Release Notes: v2.17.4 (PR Compliance, Dashboard Grouping, and More)

Posted about 1 year ago by John Gayness

John Gayness Admin

NOTE: This article describes DigTix features at the time of the associated release. Subsequent updates may make parts of this article obsolete and/or out of date.

Positive Response Compliance vs Due Date Completion

Several improvements have been included to help your organization maximize on-time percentage ("OTP") and minimize fines and penalties imposed by call centers and/or regulatory bodies such as public utilities commissions.

Prior to this update, DigTix measured on-time percentage based on when a locate request was updated to a close code that "denotes completion" within DigTix. The problem with this method is that most call centers provide the ability to respond to a ticket as an "ongoing" or "project" locate. Previous to this update, if a project locate was put in an ongoing status prior to the due date and then completed after the due date, DigTix would count this ticket as late. This structure causes on-time percentage metrics to be lower than they really are.

After this update, DigTix measures on-time percentage based on when the first positive response is sent for a locate request. If a positive response is sent prior to the response due date, the locate request is considered "positive response compliant". This means that when an ongoing positive response is sent out for project locate, the locate request is considered on-time, provided the response is sent out prior to the response due date as determined by the one call center.

This update contains several improvements which allow managers and locators to very easily identify locate requests which are at risk of becoming non-compliant for positive response. The attached documentation explains in more detail the changes that are included in the release and how they are designed to maximize on-time percentage and meet compliance standards. ***It is very important to distribute, read, and understand the attached documentation prior to our release this weekend. If you have any questions, please reply and let us know.***

Dashboard Team Grouping

The dashboard now organizes teams in collapsible and expandable groups with team totals initially displayed. This improvement allows managers to much more easily identify areas where teams are struggling and drill down into the individual team members for further analysis.

Figure 1: Dashboard Page

Linking for Custom Forms and Update / Relocate Requests

Custom form and locate request windows now include a button which links to the specified locate request. Clicking the button will open the related locate request window.

Figure 2: Ticket Linking

Incident and Custom Form Assigned User Columns

The incident grid now includes the assigned user of the locate request that is linked to the incident (provided a locate request is linked to the incident). Similarly, the custom forms grid now includes the assigned user of the locate request that the custom form is associated to. These new grid columns can be filtered, sorted, and hidden.

Inactive users' usernames are now displayed in the locate request, incident, and custom forms grids.

Figure 3: Assigned User Columns


The map now initializes to the last known location of the user, provided the user has location tracking enabled.

Added ability to filter ticket assignment rules by name.

A warning is provided when users' local storage quota falls below 25MB, instructing them to find an internet connection soon. Local storage is used to cache file attachments when in poor network connectivity conditions.

Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

If you'd like to learn more about a feature or improvement, please let us know. As always, our team is looking forward to hearing your feedback and ideas. We have more exciting new features included in our upcoming releases!

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